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Building and Leading Resilient Teams

Collective resilience is the team’s ability to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity. Resilient teams are the key to both individual and organizational resilience. Resilient teams are stronger together and they make learning and change possible. This coaching program provides the knowledge and skills required to build and lead resilient teams in organizations of any size, in any industry.
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Details of the Program

Who should enroll?

This coaching program is specifically designed to accommodate both new and seasoned supervisors, managers, and senior leaders. People that aspire to a leadership role may also participate.

How is the course delivered?

Seven learning modules requiring 6 hours of student preparation and 3 contact hours of instructor-led live group discussion, or 1 contact hour of one-on-one live coaching per module. Individual student preparation includes reading assignments, watching relevant videos, and answering reflection questions. Coaching sessions ensure a thorough understanding of applicable factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural (how) knowledge. Coaching sessions leverage your unique leader/follower experience and perspectives.

What will you learn?

Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate for people to work in. Boost teamwork by developing cohesion among team members. Improve employee motivation and commitment by providing purpose in the workplace. Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning. Enhance the organization’s ability to change and compete by supporting organizational learning.

Course Lessons